Significant research has been devoted to creating systems that help scholars discover relevant papers. While recent approaches have also shown benefits in highlighting relevant authors to improve paper discovery, these systems do not capture and utilize users’ evolving knowledge of authors. We introduce ComLittee, a literature discovery system that supports author-centric exploration. ComLittee supports author discovery to curation of a comittee of authors relevant to a research topic of interests based on existing paper recommendation systems. In our evaluation, we demonstrate how ComLittee leads to a higher efficiency, quality, and novelty in author discovery that also improves paper discovery.
In order to help scholars understand and follow a research topic, significant research has been devoted to creating systems that help scholars discover relevant papers and authors. Recent approaches have shown the usefulness of highlighting relevant authors while scholars engage in paper discovery. However, these systems do not capture and utilize users’ evolving knowledge of authors. We reflect on the design space and introduce ComLittee, a literature discovery system that supports author-centric exploration. In contrast to paper-centric interaction in prior systems, ComLittee’s author-centric interaction supports curation of research threads from individual authors, finding new authors and papers with combined signals from a paper recommender and the curated authors’ authorship graphs, and understanding them in the context of those signals. In a within-subjects experiment that compares to an author-highlighting approach, we demonstrate how ComLittee leads to a higher efficiency, quality, and novelty in author discovery that also improves paper discovery.
Presentation (SIGCHI 2023)
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